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Most clients experience some sensation or minor discomfort. This is based on induvial pain tolerance. To minimize discomfort, your PMU Artist at The Beautiful People will send pre-care steps prior to your procedure and offer complimentary topical anesthetic during your appointment.
Typically, 1-5 years, results vary based on the technique, device used, pigment used, individual body reaction, and degree of skin exfoliation. Permanent Makeup fades over time but is still considered a tattoo. Factors such as skin type, medications, products, sun exposure, metabolism, and lifestyle impact its longevity — touchups may be necessary to brighten, freshen up color and define shape.
Anyone under the age of 18, if you are pregnant or nursing, on Accutane within the past year, undergoing chemotherapy, HIV or Hepatitis or any other infections or vial diseases, cannot tolerate any pain and as a result will flinch, Epileptic.
Doctor’s approval is needed for Diabetes and serious medical conditions.
Absolutely! But keep in mind each service may require two separate artists — you will have to schedule your appointments accordingly. Also, each session does take several hours, you will need to plan to be at studio for most of the day.
Lip blushing isn’t “better” or “worse” than lip injections—it’s all just personal preference. Lip blushing will add color and definition to your lips, while lip fillers will add volume and shape. They both last about a year before requiring touch-ups, take a week or so to heal, and have about the same level of pain. So again, it really just depends on the results you want, but know that you also don’t have to choose: You can get both lip blushing and lip injections, as long as you wait four weeks in between.
Number of sessions will vary with each client as everyone heals differently. Some clients are satisfied after one session and others require at least one perfecting session. If a client requires a touchup, the artist can reinforce pigment, alter color and ultimately perfect your lips. Clients looking to achieve a bold, more drastic look may need 2+ touchup sessions. Annual touchups are recommended to brighten, freshen up color and define shape.
We have special rates for additional touch-ups for existing clients only.
Lip blushing can help soften the appearance of asymmetry to fix it, but depending on the degree of unevenness we would suggest fillers. Lip Blushing can be bladed 1-2 millimeters from natural lip contour for ink to deposit correctly. Your artist will consult with you on what is realistic to achieve.
Scalp micropigmentation is essentially a hair tattoo that mimics a hair follicle, giving the appearance of a full head of hair. Using hair-color pigment, we use a needle to inject the pigment into the areas of the head affected by hair loss. Unlike other hair restoration methods, scalp micropigmentation is non-invasive, quick, and shows immediate results.
Minimum two sessions. Depending on skin condition, how well treatment holds, and desired look, additional sessions may be required. The great thing about this treatment is that this isn’t a process that takes years to see results, clients begin to see results immediately after the first session! Clients will have to wait at least 10 days before having another session and each session lasts between 3-4+ hours, depending on the area being covered.
Most people who undergo scalp micropigmentation report minimal pain. While like with traditional tattoo, we use needles to inject the pigment into the scalp, however hair tattoos are much less painful than traditional tattoos since the needles are much smaller and we don’t go as deep into the epidermis. Unlike some other hair restoration procedures, patients won’t feel pain after scalp micropigmentation. Some soreness is to be expected, but the pain of this procedure is very little.
After the procedure patients will experience redness for a few hours, but the healing process overall is very minimal. If patients follow the care instructions following the procedure, they will heal as quickly as their body lets them. Patients can go about their normal routines the day after the procedure with no problem.
Non-Invasive Magnetic Tattoo Removal Technique is a non-laser method of removing tattoos using the non-invasive patented needles 52/88/132. It does not require anesthesia due to minor discomfort, does not cause bleeding or inflammation and does not create scars. The Tattoo Removal product is composed of neither acid or saline solutions, and it has a basic Ph of 8.5.